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Will a 15K BTU A/C cool my room? advice needed

I have approximately 370 sq ft of space. 8 600w aircooled hoods in 2 rows of 4 with 2 can max 10" fans on each row. 4 air king 12" wall fans. i'm looking at a frigidaire air 15,100 btu window a/c for $380 at best buy. am i good with this one?
Most defenetely,as long as your ducting is nice and straight and your fans are at the end of each row sucking then it's plenty,i run 8 1000w in cooltubes with a 300sqft room and a 12,000btu portable a/c with a max fan exhaust plus 2 6" vortex at the end of each of the 2 rows and my temps won't go higher then 25c in the summer so it should be fine but you won't know untill you try it.
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"au contrare" my friends!!!
4800 watts of air cooled lights are gonna produce about 25k BTUs
where ya got them ballasts at??? not in the cooled space i hope.

it also depends on how much ambient hunidity/temps u r dealin with will factor in too.
i am in the deep south so your 15 K BTU wouldnt hang in there for long,!!

bc - thanks for the input

kindbud - are you saying i should get a 25k btu a/c? i'm getting this as a safety for the summer. i'm northeast us. humidity is an average of 40%. the digi ballasts will probably be in the room. would it make a huge difference to take them out or build a separate room for them?
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i dont think so i once had a 17kbtu that was bearly keeping up with 4k, but you are doing aircooled so as long as you know how to exuast those heat from the lamps 18btu should be fine for you.

when i had the 17btu cooling 4k i didn't air cool the hood.


KindBudKid said:
"au contrare" my friends!!!
4800 watts of air cooled lights are gonna produce about 25k BTUs
where ya got them ballasts at??? not in the cooled space i hope.

it also depends on how much ambient hunidity/temps u r dealin with will factor in too.
i am in the deep south so your 15 K BTU wouldnt hang in there for long,!!


"au contrare" KindBudKid, the watt to heat ratio, if I recall correctly is 3.4 btu/h for each watt expended. That would be 16,320 btu/h + or -. (pretty close, anyway!) You said 25K would be needed.

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SuperSize your order on the A/C. It is nice to have a safety margin and not have to worry------------OR get pissed off at yourself for knowing better. It's all mathematical.


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