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GH Aeroflo 60 x 3 =)


New member
Well its about time i stopped trolling and starting to input my 2 cents heh. Tell me what ya think. Sorry dont have too many pics yet but i will. Peace! :headbange

3 x GH Aeroflo 60
3 x 1000w Hortilux Super HPS
"The Purps"
Dutchmasters Gold Series nutes/formula

my phone camera sucks so bear with me lol.

mothers - 600w hortilux blue MH on light rail with supplemental t12 cool white

last batch.. damn my phone camera sucks.. wish you could scratch and sniff hah. the undersides were all purple and when it dried it looked SEXELLENT! better pics will come when i get a new charger for my digicam.

no hatin! :rasta:


Power Armor rules
Impressive system you've got there! It sure looks like you've got the skills to grow some nice buds too. What kind of strains do you usually play with? Please keep us posted because this is badass :joint:

Be very careful taking pictures on your cell. If you store it in a online album with your phone company, someone is definitely watching. No BS


is this ur first run wit 3 tables n 3 lights?? what r dimensions of the aeroflo 60??



New member
the_lonely_one said:
Be very careful taking pictures on your cell. If you store it in a online album with your phone company, someone is definitely watching. No BS

trust me i know. i stripped the info, plus i have it saved only on my memory card, not online photo album, but thanks for caring :)



New member
ShawnyBoy said:
is this ur first run wit 3 tables n 3 lights?? what r dimensions of the aeroflo 60??


first run in this configuration yes. The dimensions are roughly equal to a 4x8 table. got Chemdawg DD and some other goodies coming soon. Trying to get everything dialed in before i pop the dawgs :) stay tuned in for the show


:lurk: :lurk: thanks!! im hoping this works out!!
havent seen 2 many aero grows from start 2 finish
GOODLUCK!! looks Great



New member
potparty said:
wow it must sound crazy in there i couldn't stand the sound of 1 60 site i cant imagine 3 hope you have a chiller for those rez's those pumps get the water really hot nice looking grow though

yea its pretty loud lol. sounds crazy like a super dishwasher hah. i turn on 1 minute off for 4 so the pump doesnt get too hot. you can run them on all the time but i only reduce the time once they are in flowering and drink more. all rez's are seperate so temps arent too bad. my tanks are the old school style not the new panda rez ones heh. i have them staggered , almost like a SOG 3 way. thanks for looking !

