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Can i drink the water?



I just made some realgood looking butter,, never done it b4.. after having a small piece i got real warm cheeks.. :)

well i was wondering if i can drink the water after colleting all the butter off the top... i would think it to be potent ><


Space Ghost

the active cannabinoids need to bonded to a lipid (fat) to be properly absorbed when ingested orally.

So I wouldn't bother with the water, but if you really want to drink it, the worst thing that can happen is that it tastes like the inside of an ass...

Storm Crow

Active member
It won't be potent in terms of THC- THC is only minimally soluble in water. It all migrates to the butter. That being said, there are other compounds in cannabis that have pain relieving qualities. Some MS sufferers find relief in cannabis tea although very little of the THC gets into the tea. You might find these interesting.

Cannabis tea revisited: A systematic evaluation

Cuppa Gives A Better 'ooh'

With the use of cannabis tea only a small proportion of THC in the cannabis is ingested



ok i tossed it.. and it seems to have been worth it. i got 8 buddies totally stoned for 10 hours lol... it may have been a little on the strong side.. but they all "say" they liked it. One guy even started getting paranoia and threw up (certain circumstances.. ^^).

well that was that. thanks for the tips and links ;)
