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Opinions on the Cheapest Soil Mix for Outdoors?


Hello all,
I've been doing some more research on guerrilla growing and whatnot and I think I have everything together except for a few things....SOIL and NUTRIENTS.

Now, I have been searching here(which isn't working for me?), and on google to no avail. Can I get opinions on the absolute CMEMORYEST quality soil(or soil less), mixes for outdoor growing? I'll be doing half holes in the ground lined with trash bags and half 5gal buckets above ground. It's fairly hot and humid here in the summer(avg. 80-95F and 70-85% humidity), as well. I was thinking ProMix would be a good starting point? Maybe ProMix, Pre Mix, worm castings, and some extra perlite and vermiculite? Anything cheaper?

On to nutes.... I have a bunch of Fox Farm Nutes for soil, these would work okay, wouldn't they? I have also heard about some folks using Osmocote but I've heard it's pretty nasty stuff. Any thoughts? I think the osmocote would be the easiest to use, but easy doesn't necessarily always win out. I'd rather have better buds, that don't taste like chemicals, and have to work a little harder - ya know?

I should also had that for a variety of reasons I will mostly be biking to the grow spots(except for th initial soil-haul and planting), so having stuff I can carry on a bike is a plus. I will, of course, drive if I have to.




Go with that if you can get it,here i cant locally?
Use to have that up north and grew big plants....

Or you can just get a bail of PEAT,then some good compost!
Bags of cowmanure like black kow,and throw some lime in an perilite...
Mix an go!!


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Lougrew has the right idea!

Dig some holes 2 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep, then get some bales of Peat moss or some ultra cheap potting soil, and mix it 50/50 in the hole with the native soil, add a gallon of steer manure and 4 cups of Dolomite per hole. Use your Fox farm and add the Osmocote too, it doesn't hurt at all despite the slander that says otherwise, 4 cups of Chicken manure wouldn't hurt either, but won't be necessary if your Fox farm has plenty of Nitrogen.
What type of soil is native to your area : sand , clay , or loam ?

If it's loam I wouldn't do much more than stick a shovel in the ground and turn the soil over and maybe chop down some surronding vegetation or rake in some leaves and use it as compost . You'd be surprised how fertile native soils are .

If you live/grow in an area with clay soil use the above suggestions .

If your soil is sand , use mulch and slow release ferts , but it's not absolutely necessary to replace the soil unless it has a high salt content (i.e. you live close to the ocean) .

IMO can't get much cheaper than using native soil as much as possible :rasta:


Excellent advice thus far, thank y'all.

I'm going out to do some soil testing in a bit and I'll have a much better idea after that.


Hey Daemon,

Its my veiw that theres some info and some assessments you probably need to make beyond just the soil test. Go to your sites this weekend and make some general observations about your sight.

Soil on top of a ridge or hill will be more shallow and less fertile than a low lying spot. Whats the elevation of your site?

Poor, tough soil will generally demonstrate that condition in native growth. Bald spots, poor quality vegative cover, small dead weeds. Look at whats growing or grew last year. Rich or scrawny?
Whereras reasonably decent soil will show decent growth and the dead weeds should be thick and tall. Native growth and root development currently going on at your site will give you lots of clues. The type of plants growing there would too but thats a differernt thread.

Are there any farms nearby with crops being grown? If they are growing crops, you can to. Any ground that will grow corn/ tobacco/ soy beans will grow cannabis.

Finally, as far as testing goes, for now all you need to know is soil depth, ( like BC said, you need to be able to dig 1.5 ft), soil texture, ( is it clay? sand? loam? squeeze it in your hand, mud?)
aeration/ compaction and finally PH. If you need to adjust the Ph you would have to do that right away.

I would only get the additives/mixes i need and theres really know way to that until youve done a little more analasys. Save your money for seeds. You may end up needing to use promix, but you might also get by with a cup of lime and some compost/sand mixed in.

Just me talkin though, and probably too much.

Keep us posted on your findings.
This will most likely sound very stupid but how do you test your soil? i've heard talk of ph testers but they are quite $$ i used pro-mix /native soil and lime because thats what an older grower in my area used and what i could afford but if theres a better way i'm all .... eyes? :puppydoge
You really don't need to worry about PH of native soil . But if you are , gather some soil in a pot , water it and just check the run off . But as far as the composition , pay attention to water drainage and how fast the soil dries after a heavy rain . Clay has poor drainage and is hard to dig . Sandy soil dries fast enough that you can work it within two days after a heavy rain . Loam can be loose or compacted , the more compact it is the longer it takes to dry . Two to four days after a heavy rain is about average for a good loam to dry out enough to work it . As stated by Silverback the vegetation will give clues , but keep in mind that loose sandy soil could also grow poor quality vegetation due to drying out fast and nutrients washing away .

Really there's no practical surefire way to tell how good native soil is . Every location is different and you'll just have to gain experience .


Jochsmokes, I use the cheap little tester from lowes and other home improvement stores. I suspect if you goggle "rapid test" youll see them, they usually have a prong you stick in the ground. 12 bucks and they work for one, maybe 2 seasons. They work great.

:headbange man you guys rock!!this is going to be such a good year!!
went and got some pro-mix today its in a white bag now:( and it had micro risin in it?? 22$ not bad for what it might bring :canabis:

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