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DoobieDucks Luange Sativa Images and Report


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey flower pix viewers...I had this thread http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=70209 going in the Grow Diaries forum and for all of you who may have missed it I'm now presenting my flower images of the Luange Prabang Sativa from Gypsy. This ain't no heavy dense indica ..I'm happier than sh*t with these rair beautiful airy sativa buds, as most of you know I grow mainly for images, and this oddity provided some distinct pretty lookers. I haven't posted a smoke report yet but may I include a little tid bit here? It cured for weeks in jars before I broke into it and one lazy afternoon I thought "Ya...why not now?" With my wife, who smokes once a month, by my side we each had a couple tokes off a small glass bowl. Taste is very very sweet..old school sativa...yummy...spicy. Onset was about two or three minutes...and stoned! My precious bride, who was cleaning house...and had gone back to that activity after her hits, soon was at my side complaining.."what was that sh*t?...that stuff wiped me out..." well I was also indeed flying high. Very sativa high...I wanted to get up and do something but couldn't remember after I got up what I was going to do or where I was going. I wandered for awhile...she tried again to clean house and returned again with..."I don't like that stuff...it's to strong for me...I don't want to smoke that any more" ...well..it was a long, 45 minutes before we each finally came down and cleared our heads. I enjoyed it tremendously. She, as I say, is not a very tolerant smoker and it hit her very hard. Hope this sheds some light on the effect of this landrace strain...thanks for the views..thanks Gypsy..DD

Third image a trimmed bud...

Fourth image the trimmed bud dried.

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great story, made me laugh! hope the wifey wasn't too cruel on you :)

and GREAT PICS! quite different what you usually see!


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Crazy sativa my friend !!!!!!

That's must be a crazy smoke !!!.... Hope i'll got enough time and space to grow kinda sativas like that one day !

Keep up the good work, thanks for the picts !


Very cool doobie! Ahh how lucky you are to have a month sober test dummy there for you! lol let us know what she really thought! PEACE

EDIT-How long was she flowered for, under what, and with what medium? Do you mind answering? I was just wondering, thanks!
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Looks like she's a bit shy of a gram per watt? ;).

Regardless of size, she is loverly, I'm going to go check your grow thread now.



DD: What an exotic lady! I have been following your grow diary and was very pleased to see you try this strain out as I was curious to see the end result - which turned out very beautiful! Great photography as usual my friend ;) The effects seem very consistent with a strong pure sativa (the short term memory wipeout and mental flight) - did you get crazy munchies afterwards too? Strong sativas always give me (almost immediate) munchies :) Great job again bro - enjoy the flowers!


Herbal relaxation...
Yes, finally a smoke report of this exotic sativa :woohoo:

Thank you Doobie for taking the time posting this report, as your main thread also :respect:

I did forget that thread for weeks, but I did lurk in there yesterday hoping to find an smokereport...

I feel symphaty for your wife, because she doesnt smoke that much and you hit her with a landrace Lao sativa :biglaugh: Must bring a new meanining to the term "smoking a J" for your wife :D

Did I understand right that it produced nice sativa rush for 45 min and after that you were still high, but more calm effect? Reason I asked is because it´s simply hard to believe that a hardcore sativa like that doesnt get you high for more than an 45 min :2cents:

Anyways, great job for being the first(?) of this community to grow & smoke her out besides Gypsy & fellows...


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Give a jar for your wife to hide on you, so you'll have some that is properly cured. Otherwise it might be gone real quick w/o testing it's real potential. :biglaugh:

Lovely images as per usual. :respect:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
perako..thanks for the visit...no she wasn't to harsh...but...still won't touch the stuff.
Caligreen... I showed her your "test dummy" comment...we both got a great laugh..
titoon, RubbaDub, mallyone...thanks friends for the visits and posts.

Dragor...yes we got the munchies...

Herb...the rush did not last that long...I don't know how to say how long the rush lasted without further testing...we were under the effect for that long! DD

Highlighter I have several jars full curing that most likely will not get smoked in a very long time...what is your idea of a good cure for her?


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
what is your idea of a good cure for her?

Two months. I was just joking around, figuring the yield would be low. Glad to hear you got a few jars' worth! :D And w/ any potent weed, it'll last longer.

When I 1st smoked on the Blue Diesel I've been running, I'd get an intense rush for the 1st 20m or so, then level off into general highness. After a wk, as my body/brain started to acclimate to this strain, I lost the big rush. Still, the most potent herb I've grown.
Several yrs back, I grew Trainwreck, and I didn't really like the high. It took about 6 mo. before I started to like it. Don't know if it was the longer cure, but it seemed like it was my physiology adapting to the strain.

Be interesting to see if such changes take place w/ the Luang and you! :wink:
("really, honey, it's a lot mellower now!" :biglaugh: )


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Thanks GodBud and Highlighter thanks for returning with the two months cure forecast. I'm sure I will have some a year from now still...maybe I could post another smoke report then! DD


Dank close up Doob!!

She does have tiny assed buds but i bet SWEET!
Spicy is a trait of asians to kinda like their women?
Just dont smell thier under arms hahahahaha!

Them suckers need BIG LIGHT and lots a soil to perform..?
Down my way they would be comfy outdoors in the heat!

Loved the story DOOBIE as you liked the energy,sativas DO THAT!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
big ups DD- my mouth is watering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT: must spread rep before........
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
PioK..Lou..and Subrob thanks for the visits and taking the time to post. Jersey..Canon 20D digital..all sorts of lenses..too many to mention..DD
This description is from SeedBay where the seeds were obtained..DD

During a recent excursion to the east we have been lucky enough to meet with the local population of Laos and the surrounding areas. This has given us access to some of the more untainted strains the world has to offer.

Luang Prabang is a city in Northern Laos which lends it's name to these seeds. Graced beautifully by the Mekhong river this area has had the benefit of not receiving much influence from the western markets while still providing a rich and fertile area for it's indigenous strains. This has allowed the local strains to remain in their original states and therefore represents a rare and indulgent window into the past. Some of the strains in this area have been grown without outside influence for many years. We have recently sourced a batch of these seeds from a respected local farmer and are now proud to offer these to you as one of the many land race strains we will be providing in the future.

Being a landrace strain there are obviously a few points to be considered. These seeds are not stabilised in the same way many of the western bred seeds are and as a result they retain their original beauty and traits. This also presents a very intriguing challenge to the grower. These seeds may express latent traits, they will be grown away from their native environment and offer an excellent insight into historic growing. For this reason we do NOT recommend that novice growers attempt these, they are a challenge to grow well and many changes may be needed to see them reach their full native potential. If you're a serious grower looking for a challenging strain, an old school grower who remembers fondly the Thai/Laos/Cambodia based strains of the past or are a breeder looking for original strains then these may be exactly what your interested in.

Rest assured the smoke reports on these are very positive. The smoke is smooth and earthy with no roughness on the throat. An initial giddy high that slowly increases in intensity without those nasty palpitations, levelling out to a lasting high which is longer than an indica, this really is like a classic old school Asian Sativa. The bud itself is not the sparkly lime green crystal fest shown in most recent strains. The buds are shades of brown and copper with occasional hints of red, with the leafy look typical of a true Asian Sativa. Those of you who remember the fabled Thai sticks of old will definitely feel that tinge of nostalgia with this one.


good one Doobie!

were these photos taken just before harvest?...if so next time around I suggest you let them go a little longer ..or at least some of the tree.....and you'll find that waiting another month or so will increase the potency, complexity and duration of the high quite considerably...........the weight and resin content will increase much more too...it will go from air bud to hard bud, it won't turn into sleep bud, landrace sativas rarely do, but waiting longer will add another dimension to the high...a trippiness, a focus along with a total feel good vibe that lasts as opposed to just being caffieney, whizzy zippy buzz

these Sth East Asian sativas are best not harvested in the same way we harvest 8 or 10 week strains ......allow most of the leaves to yellow and drop, never pick a pretty sativa!...the only new flower growth should be at the extreme tips of each budette and reduce watering to a minimum in the last 3 or 4 weeks along with a photoperiod reduction from 12 down to 10 hours per day..

and as others have mentioned, the quality of the high improves immensely after several months....this seems to occur with all long flowering strains much more so than the quick flowerers....what is good after a month from harvest will be incredible after 3 or 4 months of correct drying, curing and storage

did you take clones?....I hope you did, cos the cuts will finish much faster than the seedlings did
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Chamba thanks for writting...I thought about waiting longer for harvest but had other projects going...as I waited over 100 days flowering as it was. They images taken AT the time of harvest. I took no clones. I think I have some seeds of these crossed with Sweet Blue Joint...only time will tell. I do plan on a long cure...months most likely.


I once started some GN Cinderella 99s and GN Zamal seeds...and grew them side by side

The Cindys finished & were harvested and then I revegged them, flowered them again then harvested them for the second time....this was all before the Zamals had finished with flowering the first time around...lol.....

long wait, yeah..but it was on a sub tropical balcony so it didn't matter so much... but what a smoke, Zamal made me feel high like none other...it was like I had the stamina of a steam locomotive, was as smart & inventive as Einstein or Tesla and with the relaxed physical confidence of a Masai warrior just after he killed a lion all at the same time...the high would last for at least 3 hours longer than any Dutchie I've grown...
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