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IC 420 Cup 2008 Info


I have the address that's listed on the site plotted in Google Earth, but the aerial photo looks like a residential block. It's on Singel, GE shows it between Raadhuisstraat and Torensteeg, not sure if that's even close. If it isn't, hope someone who's actually been there can help out. Because I'm def. bringing my GPS with all the spots loaded in it. Once I get them all corrected, I think I'll upload the points in several formats somewhere where we can all access them. I deal with maps for a living, so maybe I can make a "stoner's map to the stars" or something.
Tram Pass:
Need little passport-type photo, which you can get at Centraal Station.
Go to building across from tracks (VVV?).
Can puchase fast pass for a number of days.
I do this when I'm There, and I just jump on a tram and flash it. It pays for itself quickly (a one-week pass is "free" for me after the second day, for example).
Also works on the metro and night bus, so those of you going to the Nov Cups should strongly consider it. The Expo for them is way out there.
To each their own, I guess.


Wow, all this great info. Glad to see members already having a good time. vinevamp, I should have a nice stash there. I'll buy you the first round, lolol. If all goes well, I should have all my samples and a bunch of the "REAL" Trainwreck, and non of the GreenHouse stuff, lolol. Looking forward to meeting you all. Can't wait ti have some fun. It's been a long time since I've had any real fun and I'm going to enjoy it.

I think I might get a tram pass and night pass. Since I'm going to be coming back off of a long smoke break and might be a little lite weighted. Plus, I got a bad leg and can't walk to far. Will see, but thanks for all the info on the passes. Take care and can't wait till the April cup.


well we need to meet up golddust so we can toke on some trainwreck since ive never sampled any :D

i got the drinks if you got the trainwreck and if you get me blazed enough than its time for the red light district =)


If I don't have any issues. I should have a nice amount of the Trainwreck there. Oh, you don't have to get me all drunk to hit the Red Light District. I spent some time overseas while in the Army. I have no problem heading over to those places. I don't drink, but will enjoy the smoke and cool people. Looking forward to this trip for a very long time.


ya.. no problems here banging a hooker.. hell i have 15 that work for me and to say i dont **** my employees would be a lie


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
GoldDustWomen said:
I don't drink, but will enjoy the smoke and cool people. Looking forward to this trip for a very long time.

Sounds like we need to share that Apt - I'll need someone to get my drunk ass BACK from the Red Light District :biglaugh:


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hi Everybody

I've read the subject twice and could nt find the date of the event... The 17th of November week end is that it ????
Too bad i have an electricity bill of 240E to pay on November for last year, so i'ven't got a lot of money to come....
But it's would be amazing to meet you guys, i love the icmag community i discovered few months ago. I should also be able to bring few weed samples (BlackDomina, BlueMoonshine)
I'll try to look for some cheap way to come ( i'm living 800km far from A Dam)


Sounds like we need to share that Apt - I'll need someone to get my drunk ass BACK from the Red Light District


My experience with tram pass....you can buy a three, four or five day pass. There is no break in the price no matter which you choose. They are good on the night buses. You can buy a longer pass....very little price break and you need a passport size picture. They are NOT good for the night buses Even if I'm staying longer than a week, I just buy the right number of days in whatever combination seems right.

There are lotsa hotels in the area of the seedshop but the city is very walkable/tram passable from almost anywhere. The areas around central station and the Dam are close. Last time I stayed out passed the Spuii tram stop. Thought it ws a little far but it was a great place.

Very few of the coffehsops sell alcohol. Alot of beer available elsewhere, and very expensive mixed drinks.

Can't wait to see everyone. OOOOH and trainwreck....Real trainwreck! I'm already there in my mind.
Ah, some confusion.
Thanks for correcting me on the NO Night Bus.
As far as being cheaper on the tram, i usually jump on/off up to six times a day. That is why it is cheaper.
There is a passport photo booth in the Station, as mentioned.
See you there.
I'm also booked for three weeks during the Nov Cup, but may be sticky getting off work. Fortunately used frequent flier miles for the plane, which I can re-deposit.


NiteTiger said:
Sounds like we need to share that Apt - I'll need someone to get my drunk ass BACK from the Red Light District :biglaugh:

Looks like I've got a room mate already, but wow knows. Will see once it gets a little bit closer. Might spring for a larger unit, but I like a small place. Will see once we get the words on the event. Shit, I might be too stone to even make it back. Remember, it's been a long long long time since I've smoked. I'm going to be a lite weight for sure. lolol

DUTCH or OLDPINK, when are you going to have some info for us?
Take care,


GD, how many days before the cannabis cup can you toke? i think you said you were on probation in a previous post...


Well GDW since we are appealing to the powers that be for info, here's some info I am desperately seeking. Are the smart shoppes open at this moment or closed. When are they supposed to close. If I come for the CC will they be open? Any slim chance they will still be open for the 420? Come on guys....there must be someone in the Dam or closer than I am who can answer this! Would make the trip for a last hurrah that's legal.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
thx Niteiger...
So maybe in April we'll come with some friends...
Next grow which should be done in april: bubba kush Katsu, GrandDaddyPurple, and more... Should be great to share, among with our top clones in France... I'm gonna talk about it with the French ic community...