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Ace seeds - fast finishing potent sativa

I’m looking for a sativa strain that would be able to finish in 43N that has a real potent sativa high. From reading a bunch of peoples posts I’ve narrowed my search down to zamaldelica and Malawi. I would get them in feminized seeds because it’s just easier for me. Does anyone have any experience growing these strains in similar climates or have any other suggestions for what I’m looking for from ace seeds.



Not ICMag Donor
I’m looking for a sativa strain that would be able to finish in 43N that has a real potent sativa high. From reading a bunch of peoples posts I’ve narrowed my search down to zamaldelica and Malawi. I would get them in feminized seeds because it’s just easier for me. Does anyone have any experience growing these strains in similar climates or have any other suggestions for what I’m looking for from ace seeds.

Panama also would meet your requirements I would think(y)


Well-known member
I’m looking for a sativa strain that would be able to finish in 43N that has a real potent sativa high. From reading a bunch of peoples posts I’ve narrowed my search down to zamaldelica and Malawi. I would get them in feminized seeds because it’s just easier for me. Does anyone have any experience growing these strains in similar climates or have any other suggestions for what I’m looking for from ace seeds.


When you say "sativa high", I take it you mean an up and energizing effect ? If so, Ace Malawi is definitely NOT what you are looking for since it's a very narcotic affair by all accounts.

Also I understand you are at 43N but what is your climate ? if you are in a Mediterranean climate, you can grow practically anything. If you insist on using ACE gear, spontaneously I'd try stuff like Golden Tiger v3 or many of their haze hybrids.

Also what do you mean when you say "fast flowering" ? Like 10-14 weeks of flowering ? Is that it ?

Also tell us what you are trying to achieve ? Do you wanna have a blast or do you use weed in a functionnal/productive manner ? Since you mentioned you want something potent I'd expect you're looking for a good time but just to clear any ambiguity.

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Yes. Energizing, electric, cerebral, psychedelic, all that good stuff.

I’m in Canada southern Ontario. Pretty humid summers and it starts to get cold around mid November.

I mean I have other seeds from other seed banks but from what I’ve been reading I’d like to try ace seeds.

Yeah fast for a sativa. Around that range.



Well-known member
ACE Malawi is an excellent sativa. I have grown it three times, uhh at least, multiple plants each time. I wouldn't call it narcotic but more a psychedelic kind of druggy. I recommend it 100%.

Zamaldelica is also an excellent sativa. I have grown it many times but the same exact plant each time. It was also a psychedelic but more so emotionally in my experience. But this was just one plant as said so my experience on it is limited.

I don't know anything about growing at 43N. ACE website does say 0-43 latitude for both so you're on the edge...

For a more energizing but less psychedelic effect you could go with Bangi Haze. It is also faster flowering so a safer bet in that regard. I have grown it but ages ago, memory on what it was like is somewhat hazy, forgive the pun.


Well-known member
Yes. Energizing, electric, cerebral, psychedelic, all that good stuff.
Ok we have established that you DON'T want Ace Malawi ! Electric heh ? Then you totally need to try Panama or anything that has Panama in it, provided you're lucky to run ointo the green pheno. This is one is electric as hell. Electric, strongly euphorizing, very stimulant. There's also a purple pheno that I don't enjoy because it's too dense and heavy. Not very up but very mind altering for sure. Zamaldelica also good. Golden Tiger v3 and other GT hybrids as well. New Caledonia is said to be pretty cool too and seems to be some kind of Thai x Mexican hybrid done in 14 weeks. But not ACE MAlawi because it is said to be quite narcotic.

I’m in Canada southern Ontario. Pretty humid summers and it starts to get cold around mid November.

I mean I have other seeds from other seed banks but from what I’ve been reading I’d like to try ace seeds.

Yeah fast for a sativa. Around that range.

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Well-known member
In all honesty though -and no offense meant to anyone- this thread should be moved to the ACE section. It doesn't really belong in the landrace section. You can also get dubi's suggestion there. He's always keen on helping people choose the right strain for their environment.


Well-known member
ACE Malawi is an excellent sativa. I have grown it three times, uhh at least, multiple plants each time. I wouldn't call it narcotic but more a psychedelic kind of druggy. I recommend it 100%.

Oh really ? because it's often cited as being narcotic or inducing narcosis, including for many of its crosses. I haven't tried it myself and that very description is really what has deterred me from trying it. Narcosis is the last thing I'd want from a tropical plant.


Well-known member
Oh really ? because it's often cited as being narcotic or inducing narcosis, including for many of its crosses. I haven't tried it myself and that very description is really what has deterred me from trying it. Narcosis is the last thing I'd want from a tropical plant.
Well I can't say if it matches your personal expectations for tropical plants, or even if you'd like it or not. It's not a a clear as water high, you def feel it, but it's also not a tiring couchlock stone (maybe for lightweights?). What I would call it is fun. And potent. Easy to grow... Great cultivar.


learning and laughing
Bangi Haze
i grew the BH last year. Still enjoying her
She's one of the most pleasent energetic plants I've smoked. While not being racy or anxiety inducing. :good:

Big yield and preety easy to grow. But I am indoors under a stronger LED.

Will def. try her on another run, maybe as Panama x BangiHaze cross.

But so many interesting strains waiting, hard to decide...
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Well-known member
i grew the BH last year. Still enjoying her
She's one of the most pleasent energetic plants I've smoked. While not being racy or anxiety inducing. :good:

Big yield and preety easy to grow. But I am indoors under a stronger LED.

Will def. try her on another run, maybe as Panama x BangiHaze cross.

But so many interesting strains waiting, hard to decide...
Get more light then you can grow more stains at the same time. Outdoors there is a lot of it hehe.


Well-known member
My grow space is limited (.5m²)
But am planung on doing 6 different strains next run (septemberish) 😁

Plan atm:
Zacatecas Tr.
Super Panama Haze
Congo-Ethiopien cross

Wolfman Kuato Cut

And from HCS
Hella Jelly + Donutz
Nice mix. I would like to try one of the CBH hybrids from Hyp3rids.

Old Piney

Well-known member
I'm watching this thread , I'm at 40 N in New Jersey with the same wet humid shit. Back in the day I grew a Durban piosion from SSSC ( South African DP 34 ) .It probably wasn't a pure Sativa but it had the high and packed a punch. Although zamaldelica and Malawi might just make it before late October -November the problem is the sun is so low for it to really metrure good. What the DP 34 had was it was done the second or third week in September. I'm still on a quest for a early Durban like it .This season I'll be running Purple Satellite it's a early pure sativa offered by Ace.I'm also thinking of trying Thaifun Horizon from ApeOrigin it's a early pure Thai ( not Ace ) .Another Ace one you might consider is Green Mountain Grape it almost pure sativa and really early .good luck hunting !
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Well-known member
Banghi haze or Panama x banghi haze fits the bill perfectly.

I love their Malawi and while a few phenos here or there can have some stimulant properties to them it’s buried behind a wall of inebriation. First time I smoked Malawi I felt drunk….. and I loved it lmao.

…. But if you’re looking for energy, stimulation and electricity in a fast finishing package banghi haze all day long.
Well I can't say if it matches your personal expectations for tropical plants, or even if you'd like it or not. It's not a a clear as water high, you def feel it, but it's also not a tiring couchlock stone (maybe for lightweights?). What I would call it is fun. And potent. Easy to grow... Great cultivar.
Sold! Lol. Now I just have to figure out how to get them to Canada

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