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Hi guys n gals


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Think I'm between 1000-2000 beans grown to fruition
Wow that's alot.. I think I am prob in the hi hundreds nearly into the thousands.. back before the raid I didn't feel no way coz I had the space n decent location so I'd do 40 seedling runs lookin for keepers but now iv had to start again in tiny place n after that last raid its made me catious of plant count now also.. I wish I was in a med state.. that's the dream for me man.. 👌💯💚🙏😔


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Does anyone know how to get my logo onto my profile pic plz? Or cant yet coz new member?


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Wow that's alot.. I think I am prob in the hi hundreds nearly into the thousands.. back before the raid I didn't feel no way coz I had the space n decent location so I'd do 40 seedling runs lookin for keepers but now iv had to start again in tiny place n after that last raid its made me catious of plant count now also.. I wish I was in a med state.. that's the dream for me man.. 👌💯💚🙏😔
I've had trouble with pics too. I'm not even in a med state shits legal here. Cops DGAF unless you got a QP and are methin around


Active member
I've had trouble with pics too. I'm not even in a med state shits legal here. Cops DGAF unless you got a QP and are methin around
I'd love even more to be In a full legal state haha fully living the dream I'm not even in America.. my backword ass country has only just made it so u can get a legal weed prescription.. n alot of the medical weed is not to great which is why it's pushed me to start again doin a few for myself so I can blaze what strains I want and have them to the clean dank quality that I'm used too.. some of the medical weed was pgr I'm sure of It that generic sharp chemicaly pgr taste n solid round pebbles with no natural bud structure.. there is some good proper living soil grown stuff tho now apparently so I'm gonna get a new prescription again I think n try some of it..


Well-known member
Ah ok il have to look that book up brva thanks for that! The first book I started to learn from was this one 👌 my brothers dad had it n was putting it to use so I used to sneak n read pages when he wasn't in the house hahahhaha u know the marijuana horticulture indoor n outdoor medical growers bible? By Jorge cervantais? But actually learnt lots from just growing all kinds of veg with my grandpops first making compost with food scraps n had he's own worm bin etc n growing in organic soil in he's garden n I think that gave me the bug for growing, plus how much I loved weed when i tried it hahahah then me n gramps moved on to the Jamaican lettuce variety hhahahhaha wink wink 😉 😜
My first cannabis book was called "Dare to Grow Your Own Stone" by Dr.Alexander Sumach, in the early days there wasn't much info on cannabis cultivation and this small publication was a welcome sight.


Active member
I'd love even more to be In a full legal state haha fully living the dream I'm not even in America.. my backword ass country has only just made it so u can get a legal weed prescription.. n alot of the medical weed is not to great which is why it's pushed me to start again doin a few for myself so I can blaze what strains I want and have them to the clean dank quality that I'm used too.. some of the medical weed was pgr I'm sure of It that generic sharp chemicaly pgr taste n solid round pebbles with no natural bud structure.. there is some good proper living soil grown stuff tho now apparently so I'm gonna get a new prescription again I think n try some of it..
You Aussie?


Active member
My first cannabis book was called "Dare to Grow Your Own Stone" by Dr.Alexander Sumach, in the early days there wasn't much info on cannabis cultivation and this small publication was a welcome sight.
OK thanks for that another il have to check out always good to go as far back n see what u can learn man as well as learn any latest info out now that there's so much more resources at hand to test and prove things that work and don't work but it's surprising that u find that alot of the old bro science actually was onto somthin like leaving Yr plants in the dark a couple days before chop etc.. I always noticed a difference in terp content where its had a couple days of not getting the terps burnt off from the light n the frost n swolleness of the nugs where they get force ripened n also allows a better cleaner end product where the plants mainly uptake the food from soil in day and don't at night n mainly grow at night apparently so choppin in the dark after 2 days of dark was always a must for me.. 👌💯💚🙏


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Welcome to our family of growers. It's always nice to have experienced growers willing to share knowledge. Please make yourself at home and enjoy yourself.
Peace farmerlion
Thanks farmerlion! I can't lie it's been so long it's been nice to just come on here and refresh my knowledge a bit now I'm dabbling with a few plants ere n there for my meds again my bro haha always learning still but always willing to help with anythin I already know but from what I can see on here tonight il prob be doin alot more learning than helping as everything I know seems like common knowledge in the organic soil thread nowdays my bro it's great to see so many who know what's up with the no till n organics in general! Iv already learnt so much new stuff tnite n refreshed so much knowledge tnite that I needed to clear up in my head if I remembered right about certain things etc👌😁💯💚🙏
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https://www.icmag.com/threads/lil-t...omeback-kush-dohreos-cheddar-valley.18130811/ anyone wants to check the girls I just did a lil tester run of at mo then there's the link guys.. some great potential with a proper veg some of em n il be gradually popping thru those packs lookin for that best keeper pheno from each in my tiny ass place lol these ones literally only had like a week n a half in one the main beds under the big led light (mars hydro fc4800) before flipped.. before that they was in the lil 1ltr square pots just growing under t8 for 5 or 6 wk waiting to show there sex but u can't class that as a proper veg.. Next round theyl get a veg under the big light.. 👌😁💯💚🙏
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Active member
Does anyone know how to get my logo onto my profile pic plz? Or cant yet coz new member?
Just to add i just want to see your logo!
It's this but it won't let me click on and modify my pic? @buteo

Maybe I'll he able to soon I only signed back up a few hours ago really so I guess I just gotta be patient lol 😆


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Yea maybe need to hit a certain number to upload a picture.

Its nice to have more people around , learn a lot just seeing what others are doing.
And I also had a lil scan of some of the gallery's of the peeps that welcomed me in this thread tonight and my god I could learn a thing or 2 of you all by the looks of it! Some absolutely beautiful plants! Iv really gotta gradually talk to each of u 1 to 1 and learn some bits from u all!👌💯💚🙏


Well-known member
It's this but it won't let me click on and modify my pic? @buteo

Maybe I'll he able to soon I only signed back up a few hours ago really so I guess I just gotta be patient lol 😆
If I understand correctly, you'll be able to modify your profile after 7 days... I think that's what I read on the updated tos.. ? I'm new to this forum as well.. I was from a different forum which I was a part of for 9 years.. now I'm here and I like it .. read some good and entertaining stuff so far..

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