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The Father of White Widow


The Father of White Widow
Interview with Ingmar……from the greman cannabis magazine GROW

Grow? Hello Ingemar! You are known as “The father of White Widow” do you see it that way yourself?
Ingemar: Yes you could say that. I created a plant that became known under the name white widow.
Grow? Is the name from you too?
Ingemar: yes the name comes from the spider…
Grow? And “White”, because she´s packed with crystals.?!
Ingemar: Exactally, she is the first in the so called “White Family” later on other strains like white shark came as well
Grow? And what is so special about white widow, what kind of genetics are in her?
Ingemar: Well that of course is a secret! I can tell you this much she´s from two seeds that were breed and stablized for 6 years before being crossed together.
Grow? Where were the seeds from? From friends or from travels
Ingemar? The seeds came out of some hand rubbed hash
Grow? How exactly did you go about this
Ingemar: At that time Cannabis cultivation was not that big of problem in Holland.For the seed production you were allowed to grow big. I had fields that I could plant thousands so I could select the best under them.
Grow? What do you look for in a plant what are your guidelines?
Ingemar: That really is a secert as well. But let me say this I work with cannabis because for a lot of people this is there medicine, that’s how I go about it. That means I have been working with med pat. For over 15 years. I give them there medicine (for free) and they give me feedback on the different strains I gave out. The results were instant. So next to selecting for growth, mold resistance and yeild I also select for medical values.
Grow? How long Have you grown the cannabis plant?
Ingemar: Since 1980, I was 20 years old when I got my first seeds. Since then I have worked with plant on a daily basis 8 to 9 hours a day. During this time I have come to know what the cannabis plant needs to feel good so she will develop nicely. That’s how I came to relize that it takes 6 years for a cannabis seed to become a stable strain.
Grow? So you primarilly grow outdoors?
Ingemar: Yep, that’s what I´ve been doing for years, the plants that you see outside are from seeds that dropped last fall to the ground. They´ve been growing since Febuary.
Grow? Even through frost and bad weather?
Ingemar: Yep, those are some of the hardiest plants you will find they´ve addapted to our climate so good that not even our harsch weather will slow them down.
Grow? That sounds interesting, especially for our friends in the swiss…were can one get these seeds
Ingemar: well not yet, sorry. But when there ready then only at “De Sjamaan”. There you can purcase another strain of mine (purple Widow) she blooms early and gives good results outside. At the moment im working on the taste.
Grow? How exactally do you go about that? Do you plant a lemon tree next to a cannabis plant and the taste smell carry over?
Ingemar: it may sound stupid but you could do it that way, I myself have devloped a different way.
Grow? And that would been…………
Ingemar: when you use a fertilizer based on mango compound, the cannabis plant can obtain the falvor
Grow? And when you use a different fert then you can lose this taste?
Ingemar: Exactally, and that’s why I don´t care for indoor growing so much.Indoor the cannabis plant looses it own character
Grow? But with indoor you can obtain a garden year round. How do you care for your genetics over the winter
Ingemar: I use greenhouses for my mother plants..
Grow? Have you in all this time had problems with the law
Ingemar: Yes I have, I had to cancell our last meeting because I had a visit from the IRS….I was always open and honest with my cannabis growing to the government.and did not have any problems for a long time. A couple of years ago I then got a visit from the police and they took my plants. It came to a court case witch I won because I acted acourding to the law. The locale police assured me they would leave me alone. But then officers from a different district didn´t give a shit, and came by to take my plants away. I warned the police that I would make each one of them personally responceable for my loss, but they did not take me serious. And it turned out like I said free of all charges(again) and now the police have a problem because I followed the law they did not.
Grow?What allows you to grow here in holland when we hear of others grows being busted here in holland
Ingemar: up till 2002 the production of cannabis seeds were legal. Since that has changed ionly grow for scientific reasons. And growing for science is legal, I am the only one, that I know of in holland that can grow legally
Grow? Even indoor
Ingemar: No just outdoors
Grow? And how many are you allowed to grow? 5 is normal right
Ingemar: right, normally 5 per address, but I can grow as much as I like, they can´t do anything!!You have to remember that I´ve been fighting for 25 years against laws that make what I do illegal and since last year I have accomplished what I´ve been fighting for
Grow? But your not allowed to sell weed right?
Ingemar? No grass and no seed sales. I don´t grow for grass or for seeds I grow for science, the seeds that happen to come up are the collected and given to the company De Sjamaan
Grow? I understand…..are all strains at De Sjamaan variations of white widow?
Ingemar: basically yes, I have taken the original white widow and crossed her year for year and selected. That’s how the different strains came about from those two seeds but like I said it takes 6 years to stablize from there on
Grow? How is the Green house white widow? do they have the same one?
Ingemar: Yes it´s the same one. I gave Arjan the genetics and the name years ago he is the only one that has permission to use the name and genetics
Grow? Witch he has done very well with you yourself have not gotten rich?
Ingemar? No, it´s not about the money, to me it´s about the plant and the medical applications I find that´s more important that the money. If it were about the money I doubt I would have won in court!
Grow? Well not everyone thinks like yourself, have you heard of other growers treating there plants with posionious cemicals just for profit?
Ingemar: sure have, I´m currently writing a letter to the Minister complaing about this very thing for years he has allowed chemical weed to be sold in coffeeshops that lead to health risks down the line!
Grow? What kind of chemicals are they using
Ingemar: depends on the situation I have heard of them sprinkling coffee creamer a couple days before harvest to give them a white look or sparying hair spary over them for the same effect
Grow? People really do that
Ingemar: when it´s about money they will do anything
Grow? Do you use any pesticides or anything
Ingemar: no I just let it grow nature takes care of everything if you let it
Grow? But you do use fertilizers
Ingemar: yes, but only my self made mix
Grow? How is the THC content in your strains
Ingemar: I´d rather not take about that at the moment since the government is trying to bann strong marijuana
Grow? Okay back to white widow then, what in your opinion is the reason for the white widow popularity?
Ingemar: she is the first in the white line, she produces so much resin that one gets scared to smoke her. I have had little with her popularity to do all I did was give a coffeeshop dryed product that was entered in different cups and won.
Grow? Was it the weed
Ingemar: that’s what I asked myself, about the time white shark came out and immediately won a cup. I then entered the same weed under the name peacemaker and she won a cup so maybe it was the weed.
www.sjamaan.com This article was translated by


Originally posted by Jason:

at white widow web they claim they are the original breeders of the ww.

I created Greenhouse Seed company in 1995 and won the HTCC with the strain I called White Widow. Now I call it Black Widow since setting up the MR NICE SEEDBANK. I know Ingemar and have worked with him in the passed.He is not a seed breeder, but he he a very good grower on soil. As far as I know he never supplied seed to anyone I know so I cannot tell you anything about the seed he sells ,but he never won the fame with his seed. He just uses the name like most people do...nothing to stop them doing so. I hope this explains a little more about the story...all the best Shantibaba

Posted in another thread here on IC



Hey TK, i have read and belived that story for a very long time. so when this article came out i just had to post it! so whats to belive? are we supposed too find it out since they can´t work it out?
peace filtertip

OG bub

ICMag Donor
If I remember correctly, isnt WW composed of a Brazilian and Indian.

confusing claims above.
I know shanti produceses good work imo.

eitherway, Ive enjoyed WW from cut, out of a Cali club, not shure which one. But it was definetly a fine plant, wish I could track her down again..
at least I x'd her with a cindy daddy.

Great article! thanks for posting it!

Peace, bub.

Dr. D

Active member
Father of white widow hey? Shantibaba is the creator of WW not Ingemar....peace

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
So many breeders carry the White Widow strain. It's made up of a Brazilian Indica crossed with a Indian Sativa right?


ICMag Donor
...remember smoking 'White Butterfly' at the Green House Waterlooplein, Amsterdam mid 1990's,,, ANYONE know anything about this strain?

Don't know if this fits with WW lineage, but think this was just before 'White Widow' became popular on coffeshop menus in Dam :chin:

peace dL :joint:
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I´ve always heard it´s South Indian hyb.(Kerala) x Brazilian male.
The White Butterfly was in the earliest GH catalog I´ve ever seen
Whyte Wing
Snow White
Master Kush (maybe Silver Kush?? don´t know for sure :D


ICMag Donor
Raco said:
I´ve always heard it´s South Indian hyb.(Kerala) x Brazilian male.
The White Butterfly was in the earliest GH catalog I´ve ever seen :D

Thanks Raco :yes: I n I thought we was going mad... seems you are the only one that remembers this strain :D

(this has been niggling me for many years,,, thanks for the clarification) :yes:

peace n bloom dl :canabis:


Active member
ooops, wrong thread, tought we are gonna talk about shantibaba, the creator of WW...

anways, i find the stone to be boring




Active member
great read, for the longest time I got bored with white strains, but there have been some really nice widows I have seen lately that are comparable with top strains. Its like I forgot I used to like this strain. Good to hear from a true cannabis patriot of sorts. anyone have info on mango based fertilizers? That sounds most interesting.
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Active member
What you put in the soil has an amazing impact on flavor. I once gave a little sog plant about 1 milliliter almond extract to one gallon, along with a bag of rooibos tea, that had a few spices like cinnamon, etc...gave it only once in midflower and the buds tasted like the best almond cookies...granted this was in addition to it's normal flavors. The rooibos i believe acted like a tonic, the plant appeared very happy after it's treatment.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Interesting, another father of White Widow. With respect to both Ingemar and Scott; the question is why would Ingemar luy? Money, fame? Doesn't seem like it.

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Thats very interesting Aeric, I think I have to test it with some plants, I have some rooibos right here..


Traktor driver
FilterTip said:
Bumping, cause i´m back...even if i was not missed

So you're german too right? :chin:

I prefer Hanfblat myself, Grow seems to be written for a younger audience.


ICMag Donor
my good ol´boy shanti made WW back in 95 when he was still part of GHS ... , as he left he took the Indian male with him ...


Active member
FJ: I just saw a documentary on Farmer John...cool guy with a hippie spirit. I've heard of alot of the organic folks recommending green tea for N etc...and thought Rooibos is even healthier and better tasting so why not? LOOL. Your plants will thank you.