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Oldtimer's Haze



i wanted (i felt the urge...)to share my experience with the Oltimers Haze variety from ACE Seeds.
Haze was always on my list to grow and try but i never did because of people saying its to difficult, grows to high, flowers to long etc.

Along with Northern Lights Sensi Seeds (actual Version) and Kali Mist Serious Seeds (actual version), i popped 6 Ot-Haze Seeds. In comparison to NL and KM, the Oltimers haze was just a primal beast, straight out of an ancient jungle. No leaf-yellowing or strange leafspots, quickest rooting, just growth without a feeding shedule made by NASA. Just a joy to experience for me...

I switched to 12/12 1.April. Ot-Haze cuts along with the other varieties, but just in 9x9cm pots (0.5-0-75 Litre i guess...) just to give it a try. Nothing to lose. The Hazes stayed for three months in the tiny pots, then up to 2 litre pots and finaly in month 5, they got 7 litre pots. After uppoting they pushed little flowertowers and expanded hughely in mass.

They shurely suffered, got through heat and very high humidity. Kali Mist got mold, Ot-Haze nothing... finaly in September after almost six months they where ready to harvest. I think the uppotting stretched the flowering time, but i dont know +dont care.
Maltreated, rural, shaggy girls but o boy what a big number of good times were waiting for me, i didnt know at that time...

I think tree months of age is neccessary before the first try, atleast i was doing it so. I got two effect-phenotypes.
One is truly messing with your perception, thinking about (thinking about thinking)-type Stuff, but not very social compatible. You are just to engaged with your mind waving. It also has a very soaring wabbering tunnel like effekt in feeling and also with your vision. Happening in waves of high/very present intensity and moments when you think „oh its time to hit it again“ but better wait. It is in deed a psychedelic experience if you are open to it and give it the space and pay attention. Cool stuff.
But the second effect-phenotype is my very favorite. After three month of ageing i just got a very good, friendly social chatty silly effect, very pleasant. But the effect got better and deeper with every quartal of the year. It is almost nine month old by now, the other varietys lost their good effects months ago already, but it is now so good and strong.
I got an imagination that describes it very good. Like a childhood memory driving with your bike through a suburb on a quiet peacefull summerevening. Golden light, no people, just you rolling with no direction feeling infinit good. For me it hast such an calming element to it but also delivers an euphoric rush from time to time. But in every moment its just kind, friendly, strong. Present but never overwhelming or scary. It pushes the maximum within this effectframe. It keeps you functional and clear, never takes your dignity and the experience always feels vivid in some kind for me. It is in deed very special in comparison to what i experienced in Weed and Hash over the years.

It is no sledgehammer, but for me it is the goldstandard of Weed atleast by now. It almost always surprises me and never leaves me unsatisfied. True wizards Weed.

Maybe there is someone out there looking for Infos about Oltimers Haze, like i was.

I also wanted to thank ACE Seeds with this post or at least give a feedback somebody in your company feels appreciated from. Your work beared very nice fruits in my cannabisuniverse.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome Chills to ICMag 🥰 and thanks for sharing your positive experience with Oldtimer's Haze with all of us. I cannot describe Oldtimer's Green Haze better in words than you did with your second female! Glad they are still shining after a long curing ☀️ enjoy!


Thx Dubi for your response.

As it goes sometimes, my little adventure got some illegitimate offspring. The Northern Lights and the Kali Mist got also pollinated along with the Ot-Haze girls. I wanted to share that with you all quick.

The NLxOtH has not much indica appearance. They flowered for 90 days, have smells from raspberry icecream to german bread/gravy sauce (strange) to citrus. Effect is strong, has much from the Oldtimer Haze with a little body-buzz added and an nice narcotic ending. Sadly hermaphroditic tendencies in every specimen.


KMxOtH has just started to flower six weeks ago, all i can say by now is that they have lots of variation in this first Generation. From little squatty to large lanky. Im very excited about this one. Hopefully Oldtimers Haze High with Kali Mist satisfaction/pleasure High, Oh man yes... :LOL:

