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Maria's Subtropical Outdoor Guerilla Grows with Connoisseur Genetics (Perpetual Journal)

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 86

Ten days since the last update.
Apart from a few drops, there has been no rain, so no watering at all.
I knew they were going to be thirsty, just a question of how thirsty (still alive??)
The May rains went a little later this year, into early June.
But after that, straight into the hot zone, daily temps about 27C-33C give or take.

Before the plants, so bat-cave pics:

And here's some bat guano, for @Mitsuharu and friends.

It's mainly building up in neat little lines under their roosting areas.
Could easily scoop up a kilo or two with the right device, like a cut-away bottle or something.

Arriving at the garden, yes, they are thirsty!!

Here's what they looked like on site, with the pots very, very light.
Leaves drooping, many leaves brown or yellowing.
But they're definitely still alive, and even picked up within 30 minutes or so on site after watering.

Left pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)
Middle upper pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans
Right pot: Older L'n'L Jones, revegging Grail (NLD pheno)

I quickly brought them out of the balcony, into the work area at the top of the stairs.
And immediately began watering.
They're so dry it just flows right through, so I do small amounts, wait, then some more, etc.

Left pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)
Middle pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans
Right pot: (already cut the Older L'n'L Jones), revegging Grail (NLD pheno)

I also brought a soil and top-dress to the site.
Maybe 8-10 liters of potting mix (peat, coir, perlite mix), plus organic amendments, kelp powder, myccos, dolomite lime, and something else that was sitting around the bottom of my garden box at home.
The media levels in the pots, especially the re-vegging pots, was slowly going down, so now the pots are working at better capacity.
The more medium in the pots will also help keeping them hydrated in the summer.

This is what they looked like after watering, soil top-up, and tidying up the plants down low.
Left pot: (already cut the Older L'n'L Jones), revegging Grail (NLD pheno)
Middle pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans
Right pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)


Left pot: Older L'n'L Jones, revegging Grail (NLD pheno)

Older L'n'L Jones:

Actually, I cut the older L'n'L Jones almost immediately, and put her in the laundry bag to dry.
Ugly looking bud --- she flowered early, in the wet, was shaping up okay, then got some mold, then kind of foxtailed a bit because the light hours were increasing. Ugly bud.
So no pics!
But .... there's something to smoke there, and she's got a bunch of nice mature seeds inside her from the Grail X ThaiFrican male.
Was a nice shaped bud, and the aromas were good, so I think her children will make nice more chunky hybrid plants, compared to these sativa / haze heavy girls in the rest of the grow.

Revegging Grail (NLD pheno):




She was the most wilted, as the pot is the smallest.
She has always had fairly hard woody stems, otherwise I'd try to bend her open a bit more.
Still keeping her purple stems and petioles.
Lost a lot of leaves down low, the lower half of the plant, but a lot of that was just the older reveg growth, so not a problem.

Peace and Love,



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Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 86

Middle pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans

The three seed plants were a bit wilted, but not too bad.
I think it's more the pot size, the biggest pot, and that previously this pot only grew the ThaiFrican father and those tiny Thai Madness girls, so it still has plenty of life in it.


Back right and left are the Grail x ThaiFricans, and front center is the younger L'n'L Jones.
Lost a few leaves from the wilt, but otherwise not too bad at all!

Younger L'n'L Jones:



Is she flowering? Is she not flowering? Still uncommitted, on the cusp.
Let's wait and see!

First Grail x ThaiFrican



She didn't grow as much as I thought (feared!) over the last ten days.
Probably due to the lack of water!
But she's still growing up.
About 100 cm tall at this point, that's about 39"-40" for you Americans...

Second Grail x ThaiFrican

Her slightly shorter sister.


She's got slightly more branching.
Or, rather, her branches grow up a bit taller than the tall sister.
Otherwise, they look nearly identical.

The whole pot from above:

Completely lacking any focus, whatsoever...

I gave a little tidy up underneath, but they didn't need much.

Peace and Love,

Last edited:

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 86

Right pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)


These two Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil sisters were not really wilted at all.
Not sure what's in my soil in this pot, something special? Or maybe it's just them?
The pot was very light when lifted.

Not sure who is who in there, they are nearly Siamese (Thai!) twins, haha!


Their stems are more flexible, so I did some bending, opening them both up.
I didn't do a full snap / supercrop, so it will probably have minimum effect.
But you can see it from this top view:

Cleaning up underneath was fun!
Such a mess of dried out flower, little leaves, tiny re-vegging branches.
The end result was a bit better, and it'll keep the airflow going.

They can be their own mulch...

Thanks for joining me in the journey, my friends!

Peace and Love,


Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Oh, to add:

The tallest Grail X ThaiFrican girl received a little pollen from her brother, when she first showed sex and was leaning toward flowering. As the light hours picked up, she decided not to fully flower, but I found a few rows of seeds on her main stem, about a 1/3rd way up the plant. Took them now, otherwise they'll just drop soon and possibly sprout. They are already very mature, it's been ... 6 weeks or so, I think.


16 beautiful Grail X ThaiFrican F2 seeds.

((NH18 x MM) x (NH21 x MM)) X ThaiFrican
((NH18 x MM) x (NH21 x MM)) X (((Hempy Thai x NH21) x NH36 rev) x (NH23 x Kariba))

All that, squared = F2.

Mostly Neville's Haze (56.25%), with a fair amount of Mullumbimby Madness (25%), a bit of Hempy's Thai (6.25%) and African Kariba (12.5%).

But, of course, being F2s of that, and the parents already being crosses, this F2 generation could show quite a range of phenotypes, from NvHz, to the Mullumbimby, the Thai and Kariba. It's all sativa, though, and I can't see anything else coming out of such an F2 cross. Both the Grail and ThaiFrican parents were fairly fast to flower, and the mother also fast to finish. Could be interesting.

Just for fun!! Keep those seed stocks going, right kids?!


Well-known member
It looks like you are mulching with yellow fan leaves? Good idea. I am in Colorado, USA and we have a hot dry wind and sometimes I need to water the black plastic flower pots every day. I need to come up with an idea for some kind of mulch.

Bats look happy.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
It looks like you are mulching with yellow fan leaves? Good idea. I am in Colorado, USA and we have a hot dry wind and sometimes I need to water the black plastic flower pots every day. I need to come up with an idea for some kind of mulch.

Bats look happy.
Something like that.
We don't really get dry winds here, but I still need a better solution to keep the moisture in.
Some kind of drip tray, or plastic bag at the base functioning as a drip tray, if I can get organized.
No sooner had I watered them yesterday, that they also received a bit of rain.