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Living Hydroponics - The Bio-Buckets revival


Active member
First off, big up to BigToke, the first to really show off Bio Buckets to us, near 20 years ago now.

I've not found in all this time a better way to grow as quickly, and still keep fantastic quality and terpenes. Will it get as terpy as living organic soil? No. Will it get close and grow practically twice as fast? You betcha. With less pest management to boot.

Living hydroponics. What separates it from just your usual RDWC systems? The main thing is that it is very much not trying to be a sterile system, but a living system of beneficial aerobic bacteria, able to fight off problematic anaerobic bacteria and fungi like pythium and fusarium, through a bacterial colony kept in the system with ample media such as hydroton. And no air stones are needed, as waterfalls are used to oxygenate the water (a waterfall sounding system is wonderful).

These beneficial bacteria colonies are also able to break down organic matter for uptake to the plants, much like mycorhizzae in the soil break down organics for use by the plant's roots. And so you're able to use completely or mostly organic nutrients in hydroponics, and reap the benefits through vastly improved terpene expressions compared to other hydroponic methods and nutrients, while enjoying the incredible growth rates and strong branching as are usual with RDWC systems.

No coco or rockwool to dispose of or compost. No wasteful drain-to-waste watering and humidity. No fungus gnats from the get go from soil.

I love me some organic soil, but I am always in awe of these living hydroponic grows, every time. It's just so fast, and clean. And who doesn't love waterfalls?

All that said, here's a sneak peak of a new grow doing so at a bit of scale. Pure Blend Pro nutes (no calmag ;p), and will use either Budswell guano tea later, or make a custom tea. A Piff S1 shown here.

Share your bio buckets! Let's talk about them more :)


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Well-known member
Sounds awesome friend. Maybe you can give more details or do a diary for the members that are interested. Perhaps you can start from the beginning and explain what you are talking about. .