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JB's sativa hacking hub


Well-known member
End of -
Week 6 - Bubblegum and ortega mixes
week 7 - Panama
Week 8 - snakes
Week 9 -Ohaze

Still just all trucking along. I potted on the haze into 5 litre pots to help them get bigger through flower, hopefully. Also jarred up the autos - 7g on the gorilla skittles, 5 on the pink kush cbd. That's what happens when you screw up autos I guess.

The rest are just in that boring stage. Few buds starting to finish up on the snakes and they're certainly going yellow as they normally do towards the end of flower, even though I've top dressed with more nutes. The indicas are also showing a few red hairs which is good, maybe another 4 weeks max on most of this run.

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Haze will go into the main tent once a few more plants come down but they're doing fine under the crap light.