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My Erdpurt plants are harvested and in jars now.

Erdpurt #1:

Nice solid nugs, smell is earthy and mild. The high is quite relaxing, not particularly narcotic but also not very suitable for intense physical activity.

Erdpurt #2:

More leafy and hairy, highest yield but also developed a significant amount of male flowers while ripening (haven't found any seeds yet, though). Similar in smell and effect to #1 but less strong. This one is not a keeper unfortunately.

Erdpurt #3:

Low yield of small, fluffy buds, sugar leaves are pretty crystally so I barely trimmed it at all. The smell is stronger and more piney/fresh than the other two. High is more "up" and clear, relaxed but can still be motivated to go out and do stuff. IMO it's the winner of the group.

All three plants have a sort of anti-anxiety, tension releasing effect that reminds me of other high CBD bud I've tried, so I'd guess there is a decent amount of CBD in them. That's the main reason I decided to grow this strain, I wanted a balance of THC:CBD and this one fits that bill for sure.

I'm keeping a clone of #3 to run again. It's only in a 4-inch pot, but I'm hoping that vigorous pruning and 20+ hours of light will keep it from flowering. So far it seems to be working.

Thanks to @dubi for keeping this strain around, and also for all the helpful participation in the discussion about it! <3 I just planted some Ethiopian seeds so hopefully I'll be in that thread soon with progress on them...


ACE Seeds Breeder
Truly resinous old school hashplant indica buds @weedsmoker420 :yummy: Glad you found a kepper of your taste and that the effects delivers the effects you were seeking in this strain. Please keep us updated on your future rounds with her and on your Ethiopian grow, thanks always to you! ☀️


ACE Seeds Breeder
Cute :love: as we have commented previously in this thread, this is in average more common to happen with this strain than others.


Well-known member

So the Erdpurt grow was an almost total failure for me. Ended up with just some tiny leafy buds. Maybe it never recovered from the low temps early on, who knows.

Tastes pretty good, not exactly like it but something along the lines of a Bubba.

Doesn't get you as stoned as the same amount of vapor inhaled from other strains would, must be a CBD-heavy pheno. The buzz is a kind of slightly drunk feeling.