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2024 Market Gardens


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Heey you

Beautiful! :) Do you make your own fish ferment?I really enjoy sauces and find thai food wonderful and delightful and delicious ;)

No I buy bottled fish sauce. I try and make my own things whenever I can but fish ferment is a road to far. I can get a 750ml bottle of good fish sauce from Thailand for $7-8 US. The work is not worth the reward. At least for me. But I'm not ruling it out in the future and I researched and have recipes to make my own.


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There are fields and fields of produce, the village down the road(10min) is known as the Fruit Stand Capital of Canada, I am not sure why but that's it's claim to fame. The south central part of BC is rich in agriculture.

My wife and I lived at a RV Park and Campground for a while, we traded labor for rent. There were a number of people who would come in their RV and do canning. They liked to can fruits and vegetables at the park, it was all good until they dumped their hot water on the lawns. They would do this year after year.

I have my favorite stands where I like to buy clean healthy produce. I buy a few pounds of garlic every fall.
When I worked at the local historic site we use to sell seeds for this novelty gourd.

Between 1934-1955, the Zucca Melon or Zucca Gourd was an important crop in Oliver, Summerland, Osoyoos and Keremeos, BC. When the war prohibited the importation of citrus peel, The Zucca Melon took its place for candied peel, which was used in fruit cakes. Zucca Melon seeds were originally smuggled into Canada from California. They are actually a member of the Bottle Gourd family originating in Africa, so the long hot summers of the Okanagan were ideal for growing it. After the 1950’s, Zucca became more and more scarce until they were almost extinct. Sharon Rempel who was a head gardener at the Grist Mill in Keremeos, BC went to incredible lengths to track down Zucca seed. She finally obtained seed from Glenn Swenson of Sandwich, Illinois who had been growing them in his back yard for the past 30 years. A small handful of seed arrived at the Grist Mill in 1990 and efforts began to preserve this treasured variety. Zucca Melons weigh from 60 to 120 pounds and are oblong and light green in color and have been described as “a cross between a vegetable marrow and a hippopotamus”.o made the flesh has no flavor but takes on flavor easily.
Thats very interesting! How did you like your historic site job? Is that like a park guide or similar? Did you have to deal with a lot of people?
A few pounds of garlic,thats neat! We love garlic!Have you ever tried elephant garlic? That's one of my favorties for the size and its got a great taste.
We'd never heard of the Zucca melon before.Oh here is a native clematis.



Well-known member
Thats very interesting! How did you like your historic site job? Is that like a park guide or similar? Did you have to deal with a lot of people?
A few pounds of garlic,thats neat! We love garlic!Have you ever tried elephant garlic? That's one of my favorties for the size and its got a great taste.
We'd never heard of the Zucca melon before.Oh here is a native clematis.

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Our native clematis is not as showy as the store bought variety and once it gets established it's vines are everywhere. The vines can grow up to 20-30M. Here they call it Old mans beard.

I trained to work in museums/parks/historic sites etc. My certification is called A Natural and Cultural Interpreter. It's kind of like a guide but more to it, when in college they used the word edutainment. To teach but to include entertainment to get your message across.

I liked the historic site it was fun, one of the few times in my life when I went to work I enjoyed everyday. When you do that type of work you have to be a good public speaker. It's unbelievable how many photos and videos of me have been taken doing my educational programs, people from all around the world.

The historic site would bring bus loads of students on field trips from K-university and homeschoolers. There was a big car club that would stop in during the summer. Sightseeing buses with people from all over. I eventually became acting manager of the site when the the manager got fired. I was doing more administrative work then and did not enjoy it as much.

I think I only ever seen elephant garlic once should I see it again I will give it a try. Is it a strong garlic like Russian Red which can almost burn your tongue but yet is very sweet like, especially baked.

The ground temp is still low yet for robust gardening. I did see some volunteer sunflowers coming up but not really growing much. I have my first columbine flowers.


Well-known member
Our native clematis is not as showy as the store bought variety and once it gets established it's vines are everywhere. The vines can grow up to 20-30M. Here they call it Old mans beard.

I trained to work in museums/parks/historic sites etc. My certification is called A Natural and Cultural Interpreter. It's kind of like a guide but more to it, when in college they used the word edutainment. To teach but to include entertainment to get your message across.

I liked the historic site it was fun, one of the few times in my life when I went to work I enjoyed everyday. When you do that type of work you have to be a good public speaker. It's unbelievable how many photos and videos of me have been taken doing my educational programs, people from all around the world.

The historic site would bring bus loads of students on field trips from K-university and homeschoolers. There was a big car club that would stop in during the summer. Sightseeing buses with people from all over. I eventually became acting manager of the site when the the manager got fired. I was doing more administrative work then and did not enjoy it as much.

I think I only ever seen elephant garlic once should I see it again I will give it a try. Is it a strong garlic like Russian Red which can almost burn your tongue but yet is very sweet like, especially baked.

The ground temp is still low yet for robust gardening. I did see some volunteer sunflowers coming up but not really growing much. I have my first columbine flowers.

That's really neat! I met a fella that did that once and had very similar stories.He loved people and went on to do dramatical reenactments.

Old Mans Beard,I will have to check it out :)
Clematis certainly are some of my favorite flowering plants.

Elephant garlic is mild but very large. It's never very strong and makes a great garlic soup.Russian garlic sounds delightful.

Hooray for sunflowers! What kind do you grow? They always bring in the giant predatory bugs.
Columbine makes me think of animal flowers :) always picture little roaring animated flowers.


Well-known member
That's really neat! I met a fella that did that once and had very similar stories.He loved people and went on to do dramatical reenactments.

Old Mans Beard,I will have to check it out :)
Clematis certainly are some of my favorite flowering plants.

Elephant garlic is mild but very large. It's never very strong and makes a great garlic soup.Russian garlic sounds delightful.

Hooray for sunflowers! What kind do you grow? They always bring in the giant predatory bugs.
Columbine makes me think of animal flowers :) always picture little roaring animated flowers.
I have never had garlic soup, I like soup and eat it frequently. I will look that up.
Baked Russian Red garlic put on a slice of toasted baguette, It's wonderful.
The last family doctor I had asked me not to eat garlic before coming into his office, he did not like the smell. He was a good doctor who took care of us, treated my wife before she had citizenship, so I agreed.

I like to grow a heirloom variety of sunflower called Peredovik. Sunflowers are a super plant, not only in looks but supply nourishment to people and birds. According to the seed company they also take heavy metals, toxins and even radiation from the soil.
A last year Clematis
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Well-known member
I have never had garlic soup, I like soup and eat it frequently. I will look that up.
Baked Russian Red garlic put on a slice of toasted baguette, It's wonderful.
The last family doctor I had asked me not to eat garlic before coming into his office, he did not like the smell. He was a good doctor who took care of us, treated my wife before she had citizenship, so I agreed.

I like to grow a heirloom variety of sunflower called Peredovik. Sunflowers are a super plant, not only in looks but supply nourishment to people and birds. According to the seed company they also take heavy metals, toxins and even radiation from the soil.
A last year Clematis
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Beautiful :)
We have a couple black seed sunflowers and a couple others all for the birds though oh and they bring in some wonderful predatory bugs.

Laughing about the garlic breath ;)
Can you please dial it back some,hahaha

You know my wife is getting lots of wonderful ideas for things we could incorporate into our gardens.She wanted me to thank you :)


Well-known member
OH YEAH... our birds here love those black sunflower seeds, their favorite seed. They eat those over other sunflower seeds.

My doc and garlic breath, I was never sure how to take that. What do you say to your doctor and keep a civil relationship.
I just recently found out where he has a new practice and intend to send him card and thank him for what he done for my wife and myself.

I have an appreciation for the small business entrepreneurial spirit. Tell your wife your welcome.


Beautiful :)
We have a couple black seed sunflowers and a couple others all for the birds though oh and they bring in some wonderful predatory bugs.

Laughing about the garlic breath ;)
Can you please dial it back some,hahaha

You know my wife is getting lots of wonderful ideas for things we could incorporate into our gardens.She wanted me to thank you :)
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