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Pure Thai Sativas

Donald Mallard

el duck
y;ea i dunno about that really ,
i think the prize definitely goes to the american government and its war on drugs ,
if they had their way , there would have been no cannabis left by now when they finally realized it has medicinal qualities .... no thanks to the folks who were keeping it going and risking their freedom to do so of course ....
Arjan is a saint compared to those guys ... i doubt his meddling has made much affect at all really , im with you on the douche part though , definitely cant argue there ,
but destroying landraces , na , barely a drop in the ocean especially when u compare him to the real culprits ...


Well-known member
What a douche! Arjan is one of the largest responsible for the destruction of land race cannabis.
I don't think the autoproclamed "King of Cannabis" can reach so far. However he contributes to it spreading his painted hybrid seeds and his growing operations ad far as he can.

The main risk is globalization, drug cartels and the market dominated by the strange love that young customers feel for those laughable teeny weeny plants with stinky rotten thick buds.

Also puppet governments under the DEA direction have made a lot of damage as Donald says.

It is at least striking, that psychoactive Cannabis is beggining to be legalized when most weed is mostly couchlocking hybrids instead psychedelic tripping sativas.