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Hombre del Monte's garden.


atomizing haze essence
That looks dangerous weed indeed!

it is strange what positronics haze did with nhz... lotsa mango to it... mango heads...

one guy from Australia grew their mango heads there one year, and another year he grew positronics haze from Tom Hill, I think it was 2002 reproduction. he said posi haze is identical to australian mango heads:

dontfollowhimintothesun said:
however as you and tom have said and i have noted too ,
the haze he has is more reminscent of thai to me also ,
firstly the growth , and the aroma ,
i was growing aussie mango heads when i first got toms haze ,
they were so similar , i couldnt tell them apart in pictures ,
in fact they shared so many triats , one would think they were the same plant ,
while we had some colombian stuff here , mostly seeds i think ,
the bulk of imports to come to australia was thai ,
the weed that was grown here reflected that ....
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atomizing haze essence
colombian haze


Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
I am here again brother! A shame that the youngsters don’t know how to sex. My M39 starts soon I guess :)

Send you some good vibes to you and E
Thank you brother. I was intending to attempt to sex plants this afternoon (and also wanted to put a picture up of an old guy in a leather thong, a bottle of lube, and a plant), but have spent the afternoon with my mechanic buddy, stripping down my automatic gearbox to remove a burnt out reverse gear clutch pack; very interesting indeed.
Hopefully, tomorrow morning I'll have the time to get on to it.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Buenas trades a todos!

Feeling blessed today that we live in f...g paradise, Aka. Las Alpujarras.

After a leisurely breakfast and coffee, we decided to head off down to " Our Beach" for a few hours.

Sometimes we have to share it; but we're pretty cool about that 🙂

Here's a shot looking North, back towards where we live.


Can you see the snow?

How about now?

Now then?

There really ought to be more of it still up there, but it is what it is.

I didn't quite brave the sea today; maybe next week.

On the way home, we take a pleasant, slow drive, on empty roads, through "the cannon".


I had a little check on the children when I got home and found this...


fasciation...fascinating! Lol

I managed to sex some of my Indicas as well.

I'll do a proper update of the plants in a couple of days.🙂

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Good morning to you all.

It's another beautiful day in Las Alpujarras. The sun is out, the birds are singing their little heads off and it's a pleasant 27c with low humidity.

Today is Sunday and that means water. This year there is much more water than I've known in the last 10 years! and I'm not really sure why, although I did know that they changed the course of a river up in the high mountains and now a small river that runs through the town is flowering once again (it's been several years since it flowed), so I'm assuming that has something to do with our acequia having so much more water than usual; we've certainly not had sufficient rain for the year.

Here's the water coming down from my neighbours land, down to ours. There are many sluice gates that have to be closed to send the water to us and not someone else.


And here it is flowing onto the first terrace.

The acequia is flowering so fast that I've had to divert some of it back to the main channel or else it would overflow my land and eventually take down the stone walls that hold up the terraces.

Taking water of good fun and I'm wandering around in shorts and tee shirt, but it can be hard work. If you have to take it at 3 am and it's 4c outside, then it's no joke, wandering around with a head torch, getting wet and dirty and freezing cold. Lol. But i wouldn't have it any other way! I've love our rural life!.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
could just sit & dream that I’m there.. :)
Las Alpujarras are a magical place. In the summer the mountain villages get lots of Spanish tourists, but they still remain relatively unspoilt and wild.

We ha've the added advantage, or disadvantage, depending on your persuasion of having over 60 nationalities of predominately alternative folk living in the local area.

Now the summer time is coming and that means late night open air trance dance parties!, depending on your persuasion. 😂😉🍄.

Last night the town/village put on an open air gig for the local community. 5 bands and 3 DJ's till 4am.
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