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Help - me please.


New member
Hello guys, I'm a beginner and I'm having difficulty, I'm noticing that the leaves are getting serrated and taking a long time to grow. I don't know exactly if my consulting period has ended but I'm going to ask for a little help.
I have a 5x5 tent
MarsHydro ts3000 450w
I'm using solo mix
Com pro organic grow 3.1.5
PH 6.3
Automatic 30 days initiating the flora.
I'm using Calcium and Mag
Because I'm thinking it's a lack of nutrients, I watered it with 28 days with 1ml for every 1 liter, am I doing it right?


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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Looks like calcium and/or P deficiency.
There is no 'formula' to tell you how much to water. Water them well until the pot feels heavy and water is coming out of the holes in the bottom... and then water again when the pot starts feeling lighter after a day or two. if the soil was dry you may need to leave them standing in an inch of water for a few hours to properly re-wet it. Make sure the light is the right distance away from the tops and not too close. LEDs can be too strong these days if you aren't careful


Active member
Let's get the entire picture ... ( grown on a frozen cement slab next to furnace 20% rh spike at lights off )

My guess too much salt in the medium , too cold and low rh blasted by full power leds 8 inches away


New member
Afaste a luz l. Faça 1l calmante 20-25% de força pulverize como plantas completamente. espere 4 dias se isso realmente ajudar atingi-los novamente e comece a soltar a luz
thanks guys so...
the led is now 60cm away, and I will wait another 2 days until the vase is completely dry.
I will add 1ml of CAL and MAG from Terra Aquatica 1-0-0 and come back here to answer the news.
thank you all.


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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
If you are talking about waiting till the soil is completely dry then don't . water them now and allow some runoff. Your soil should vary between wet and damp. it should never be dry. The calmag spray is good advice.


New member
Se você está falando em esperar até que o solo esteja completamente seco, não o faça. regá-los agora e permitir algum escoamento. Seu solo deve variar entre úmido e úmido. nunca deve estar seco. O spray calmante é um bom conselho.
vou fazer isso, e como posso usar o spray?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Soil needs to be a good home for microbes and ions. Wet works. I grow in bags of soil sitting on a moist perlite bed. The soil wicks up the water. Feeding, which is dangerous and should be done judiciously, is by drench from above. The excess runs into the wick bed.

Good luck. Get microbes, and stay moist.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
vou fazer isso, e como posso usar o spray?
if i understand what you are asking correctly, you should spray all the leaves as @Mattbho says above (i try to avoid wetting the buds. best to spray at lights off and let them dry in the dark). this will feed some calcium in the quickest time. watering the soil will help the plant absorb nutrients from the soil and the bit that comes out of the holes in the bottom of the pot will help leach away any salts that might be building up in the soil. you may need to add cal/mag liquid nutrients to the water going forward.


New member
I will follow the tips.
I watered soothing with 5 liters of water, control ph 6.3
1ml Grow+1ml Bloom 1.5ml CAL MG, I'm spraying the leaves with lime and mag to increase absorption.
thank you guys


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Active member
Would never recommend spraying buds . The pics you showed weren't even pistols clumped together .

Myself won't spray after 2 weeks but my 2 weeks and your 2 weeks can be totally different .

I will never again flower any plant(s) that aren't 100% . i just get dissapointed 8-12 weeks later .

2 weeks im looking at peas and Blueberry size flowers .
Some peoples grows won't even show pistols at 14 days

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